Wednesday, 2 May 2007

This is the real me

Tonia's done it, so has Ali. And Andrea. Yep Alyson's done it too. So now it's my turn.
Oh lordy...

1. Blog Sarah is always tidy
Real Sarah sometimes sleeps in an unmade bed. I know, the horror of it! I can hardly believe it myself, let alone that I am telling you this!
But sometimes Real Sarah is running late or just can't be bothered. Real Sarah prefers to sleep in in a made bed but sometimes it just doesn't happen.

2. Blog Sarah hopes she has an immaculate wardrobe
Real Sarah has a huge hole in her chucks.

3. Blog Sarah is organised
Real Sarah has been home from the UK for 3 years and not one single photo has made it into an album (but the albums have been purchased. Does that count as a positive?)

4. Blog Sarah wishes she were a better cook
Real Sarah wishes that too. Especially when it comes to work lunches. Real Sarah needs inspiration people! Today Real Sarah had an apple on her desk but went to the snack and coke machine instead. The apple is still there.

5. Blog Sarah tries to be co-ordinated in her wardrobe
Real Sarah is sitting here in daggy flannelette pyjama pants, old tee shirt, ugg boots and an incredibly old fleece which doubles as a dressing gown now because it is so old she can't even go to the supermarket in it. Hair is scraped back. Oh the glamour.

Real Sarah & Blog Sarah never usually refer to themselves in the third person!


Anonymous said...

well, she sounds refreshingly real, down to earth + someone you'd want to be friends with :)

alyson. said...

I smiled through this whole thing. especially about the hole in your chucks and the apple on your desk. I too brought an apple to lunch yesterday, but opted for the sugar cookies instead.

Tonia Conger said...

Sarah, I'm pretty sure I have the same outfit as RealSarah - Ugg boots and all! Way to take the challenge! You sound fabulous!

I'm A said...

you sound pretty much perfect to me!

little special said...

real sarah sounds unbelievably like real little special (or Laura as she's otherwise known). The photo thing is nothing to be ashamed of - i got married nearly 2 years ago and still haven't sorted out which photos i want in my official album (that we've paid for already) bad is that!


ali said...

Sarah, you are so funny. Number 4 had me rolling. Hits close to home... (actually, all did, except that I actually managed to get dressed today and go into the office for several hours. I assume the after-work uniform will take over Real Ali soon.)

ali said...

p.s. How great is Tonia?

Sarah said...

Thank you for the sweet comments!
Read today's blog for an update of chucks vs undies.
Tonia you really started something pretty fabulous and funny here!
You are really great and thanks Ali for doing the introductiuons for all of us :)

little special said...

it took me a while, but i've finally done it! scary but liberating at the same time!


Anonymous said...

Well written article.